The ECG Blog
Escaping the Drama Triangle of Co-Dependency
The intricate dance of co-dependent relationships often unfolds within the framework of the Karpman Triangle, also known as the "Drama Triangle." This psychological model, crafted by Stephen Karpman, sheds light on the complex dynamics that characterize co-dependent interactions. At its core, the triangle identifies three central roles— the Victim, the Rescuer, and the Persecutor—each contributing to a toxic cycle. Escaping this drama triangle of co-dependency is all about recognizing your role in the drama triangle, and shifting to a more functional position.
The Biggest Myths About Psychodynamic Therapy
Holistic psychodynamic counseling is a therapeutic approach that delves deep into the intricacies of the human mind and aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's emotional and psychological well-being. While this method has gained popularity for its effectiveness, it is not immune to misconceptions and myths. In this article, we'll debunk the five biggest myths of holistic psychodynamic counseling.
1. It's Only About Uncovering Childhood Trauma: One common myth is that psychodynamic counseling focuses solely on uncovering unresolved childhood issues. While this aspect is certainly a part of the process, psychodynamic counseling goes beyond childhood trauma. It aims to explore current patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, recognizing that our past experiences can influence our present actions.
Window of Tolerance: Mental Health Basics
Picture your favorite room in your favorite place in the world (real or imagined). Does this place have a window? If so, what do you see outside of that window? Maybe it’s huge forest trees towering into a big, blue sky. Maybe it’s a river flowing through grassy knolls, or a beach sweet and salty enough to always have a window open with the breeze blowing through.
Wherever it is, would you want that window to no longer be there? Of course not! That would keep you from seeing the beauty outside of your favorite place. Would you want that window to become a whole opening in your wall for anyone or anything to drift its way in? Probably not. Windows are enjoyable for what they are-a space to see without being overwhelmed by the elements of the outside.