Marriage Counseling
Repair - Restore - Renew
Dating, engaged, or married?
Deepen your relationship at every stage.
This might be your experience:
You often feel lonely or misunderstood
You or your partner was unfaithful or cheated
You feel like roommates
You have the same arguments about about money, sex, or parenting all the time
Addiction has broken trust in your relationship
They trigger your past trauma
You and your partner have an Anxious + Avoidant attachment pairing
You wonder if your partner couple be a Narcissist?
You’ve lost respect or trust in your partner
What if I told you its possible to…
… Have a fresh start.
… Feel understood, safe, and respected in your relationship
…Heal and feel hope for the future!
The Secret Sauce
While therapy will look different for each couples, there are some common themes. Regardless of the specific reason for starting therapy, you and your partner will likely explore the following:
1-Identify the Cycle
Discover the cycles that keep you stuck and feeling lost and alone. Learn how you fall into these damaging patters, and how to stay out of them.
2-Repair Old Wounds
Find the old wounds that have never been healed, and give them the attention they need to fully heal. Repairs trust, commitment, and safety.
3 - Build Your Future
Begin to reunite in a shared dream for the future, creating a beautiful legacy full of shared meaning
This is for YOU:
You want a deeply fulfilling relationship, but don’t know how to get there
You are ready to commit to weekly sessions and begin to create change
You are dating, engaged, or in a long term partnership or marriage
You are dating, but want to build a firm foundation
You are engaged and want to do pre-marital counseling
You are recovering from betray and not sure if you want to stay together
You’ve drifted apart after having kids
You’ve had a long successful relationship, but want to come in for a “check-up”
This is NOT for YOU:
You only want your partner to change
You aren’t ready to commit to weekly sessions
You are in an ongoing affair, or you are keeping secrets
You have already spoken to a divorce attorney
You are looking for a quick or easy fix
You aren’t willing to practice new communication skills at home
There is ongoing violence in the home
You or your spouse in currently in active addiction (we recommend treatment first)