Court Policy, Agreements, Assertions, and Fees
1.1 Court Policy and Associated Fees. Landrie H Ethredge Professional Counseling, LLC d/b/a Ethredge
Counseling Group does not participate in court proceedings, provide court letters, or make custody
recommendations. If a court order is served, a client’s consent may be requested before release of any
confidential records, which may then lose their confidentiality. Landrie H Ethredge Professional Counseling,
LLC d/b/a Ethredge Counseling Group may avoid acting as an advocate or forming dual relationships with
clients. All information is subject to discovery in depositions. When treating couples, both individuals must
consent before Landrie H Ethredge Professional Counseling, LLC d/b/a Ethredge Counseling Group releases
any records. For minors, consent to release records is also required until age 18. I am happy to go over any
questions you may have about my policies.
1. If a therapist, counselor, or staff member of Landrie H Ethredge Professional Counseling, LLC d/b/a
Ethredge Counseling Group is court-ordered to appear in court or at a deposition, the fees are as follows:
2. $2,000 per day plus $200 per hour for travel to and from the court.
3.$200 per hour for preparation, including preparation time, organization, research, professional
consultations, and attorney consultations. Travel expenses such as room accommodations and
transportation will be reimbursed.
4. If a therapist, counselor, or staff member of Landrie H Ethredge Professional Counseling, LLC d/b/a
Ethredge Counseling Group is court-ordered to write a letter to the court, the time will be billed at $200 per
5. All therapists, counselors, and staff of Landrie H Ethredge Professional Counseling, LLC d/b/a Ethredge
Counseling Group will not be on-call at any time.
6. If a case is trailed or continued, the therapist, counselor, or staff member will be compensated in full for
each day and receive an additional $1,000 per day due to the impact on their availability to other clients and
1.2 Subpoena. Please coordinate with our office scheduler to ensure that the therapist or counselor can be
available for the date and time of the deposition or court hearing. The therapist or counselor may agree to
accept the subpoena via email if agreed upon. Reminder: A subpoena in which the client provided the
therapist or counselor as a potential witness shall be billed in full for all court related activity. All court fees
must be received by cashier’s check 10 days prior to the court date. Should the court calendar 1 of 2 the
hearing for another date, the therapist or counselor must be re-issued a new subpoena with the new court
hearing date. Should the therapist or counselor be on vacation, the party initiating the court order must take
reasonable steps to avoid imposing undue burden or expense on a person subject to the subpoena. By
signing and dating below, you understand and agree to the above stated court policy and stipulation,
including but not limited to the fee structure for all related court matters