Body Image

& Disordered Eating

Tired of the relentless inner critic?

Struggling to see the beauty in yourself that others can see?

Welcome to our Body Image Counseling service, where we empower you to break free from the chains of negative self-image and embrace a healthier, happier you.

Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing not just an acceptable version of yourself, but the incredible person you truly are.

It’s time to rewrite your narrative and embark on a journey toward self-love and acceptance.

Negative vs Positive vs Neutral Body Image

Self love may seem like an unattainable goal. Simply moving to a healthy “body neutral” concept can be a powerful step in recovery.

Body image can range from negative to neutral to positive, each affecting our well-being differently.

Negative body image involves critical and anxious thoughts about one's appearance, leading to low self-esteem and unhealthy behaviors.

Positive body image is marked by acceptance and appreciation of one's body, fostering confidence and resilience.

Neutral body image, a balanced view focusing on the body's functionality rather than appearance, is a practical and achievable goal for many.

It reduces the emotional burden of body dissatisfaction and serves as a stable foundation for eventually cultivating a more positive self-view, making it a worthy aim if a positive body image feels out of reach!

How Body Image Counseling Can Help

Body image counseling offers a supportive space to explore and reshape your self-perception. Our experienced counselors utilize evidence-based techniques to help you:

  1. Identify and Challenge Negative Beliefs: Uncover and dismantle the deep-seated beliefs that fuel your negative self-image.

  2. Build Self-Compassion: Learn to treat yourself with the kindness and understanding you deserve, fostering a more loving relationship with your body.

  3. Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Equip yourself with tools to manage body dissatisfaction and related stressors.

  4. Enhance Mind-Body Connection: Reconnect with your body through mindfulness and self-awareness practices, appreciating its capabilities and uniqueness.

  5. Set Realistic Goals: Establish and achieve personal health and wellness goals that honor your body and its needs.

Embark on a transformative journey with us!

Let’s work together to cultivate a body image that not only reflects reality but also honors the incredible person you are.

Discover the power of self-acceptance and step into a brighter, more confident future.

“How you love yourself is
how you teach others
to love you”

— Rupi Kaur

You might have thought your 20s and 30s would be the time when everything finally falls into place—a time to feel confident, beautiful, and at peace with yourself. But it's been harder than you imagined, hasn't it?

You may feel like everyone else around you is comfortable in their own skin, while you're stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts about your body and struggling with disordered eating. You might wonder why you can’t just love yourself the way you are. It’s easy to believe these years should be your prime, the time when you’re supposed to feel vibrant and alive. But instead, it feels like you're constantly battling with the mirror and your relationship with food.

It might seem like everyone else has it all figured out, but the truth is, you're not alone in feeling lost or trapped in these thoughts. Society puts immense pressure on us to look a certain way, and it’s hard to escape the images of "perfection" that bombard us daily. It can feel like your worth is tied to your appearance, and the number on the scale can start to define you. But you are so much more than a number or a reflection in the mirror.

For those who feel controlled by food rules and the fear of eating:

It’s okay to eat what you love without guilt. You deserve to enjoy your meals without the weight of worry. It's not your fault that diet culture has made you believe you have to earn your food or work it off. You are allowed to nourish your body and soul without shame.

For those who struggle with binge eating or restricting:

Your value is not determined by what you eat or don’t eat. It's okay to struggle, and it's okay to seek help. This journey towards a healthier relationship with food and your body is a brave and challenging one, but you are strong enough to take it. Remember, every step you take towards healing is a victory, no matter how small it seems.

For those who constantly compare themselves to others:

You are uniquely you, and that’s something to celebrate. It’s so easy to get caught up in comparisons, but the only person you need to compare yourself to is who you were yesterday. Progress isn’t linear, and it’s okay to have good days and bad days. Your worth isn't dependent on fitting into a specific mold or reaching an ideal.

For those who feel overwhelmed by societal standards:

It's okay to break free from those standards and define beauty on your own terms. You are beautiful in your individuality, in your strengths, and in your imperfections. It’s okay to set boundaries with social media, fashion, and even people who make you feel less than. You have the right to protect your peace and nurture a positive self-image.

For those whose body image struggles stem from deeper wounds:

It's okay to acknowledge that pain. Your feelings are valid, and it's okay to seek support, whether from friends, loved ones, or professionals. Healing is a journey, and you deserve to embark on it with compassion for yourself.

And for those who don’t see themselves in these words:

You are complex, multifaceted, and deserving of love and respect. You are not defined by your struggles; they are just a part of your story. There is so much more to you than your appearance or your relationship with food.

In these years, it’s okay to question, to struggle, and to seek out what makes you feel whole. You deserve kindness, from others and from yourself. You are not alone in this journey, and there is so much support available for you. Remember, your worth is inherent, and you are worthy of love, respect, and a peaceful relationship with yourself, exactly as you are.

Ethredge Counseling Group provides individual counseling, trauma therapy, couples therapy, marriage counseling, and premarital counseling at their offices on James Island in Charleston, SC. Our therapist also serve Johns Island, downtown Charleston, West Ashley, Mount Pleasant, and Folly Beach, as well as virtually throughout South Carolina.